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Circle is Closed

Written by Ray Jay Perreault

A science fiction short story synopsis for “Circle is Closed”

This science fiction short story takes place a long time in humanity’s future where they want to return home; to Earth. It has changed, for the good, and they find something else living there.

Humanity left Earth a long time ago. They had treated their home planet poorly, and the deteriorating environment forced them to leave. They traveled 189 light-years to a faraway world and named it Horizon, respecting the new lives they intended to build. Fortunately, they learned their lessons and treated their new world much better. After over 1,000 years away from Earth, and they still revered her and taught their children of her beauty.

They knew that someday they would return, and they hoped Earth had healed and she would welcome them back. They eventually discovered faster than light travel. The first place they wanted to go was the home planet of the human race. When a small crew made the trip, they found that Earth had healed and was healthy. They also found changes that surprised them. Earth had new occupants. Occupants that the humans had forgotten. Earth’s new occupants weren’t human.

When they returned to Horizon, they had more questions than when they left. Horizon’s leadership was undeterred and wanted a triumphant return to humanity’s home planet. Nothing would stand in their way. They felt destined to regain the home of the human race.

I hope that you enjoyed this Science fiction short story. It is also included in my Science Fiction Anthology which has all four of my Sci-Fi short stories.

This science fiction short story along with the short story “Progeny” has been expanded into a full-length science fiction novel named, “Progeny’s Children.” Please check it out.

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