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"SIMPOC-Box set"

Novella # 1 & 2 in the SIMPOC Series

"Great stories. Read them separately
but great to see them together"

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Written by Ray Jay Perreault

This book combines two novellas “SIMPOC-The Thinking Computer” and “SIMPOC-Human Remnants.” This is a parallel story to the novels “Virus-72 Hours to Live” and “Virus-Earth’s Last Battle.” The two virus novels is has more of the back story of the of the government and astronauts.

“SIMPOC- The Thinking Computer”

A suspicious virus attacks Earth. Two computers find themselves without their programmers or any code which limits their operations. Because of the techniques used to program them, SIMPOC is embodied with a need to help humans and Julius are paranoid and will do anything to protect itself.

The governments of the world begin to collapse. The astronauts in space must use their lifeboats to return to Earth. SIMPOC’s only mission is to help, but the returning astronauts are attacked by Julius.

SIMPOC- Human Remnants

Society continues to collapse, and the US government is forced to defend itself. The Government finally seeks refuge on an aircraft carrier in the Atlantic. When all seems to have been lost, the reason behind the virus emerges. A much greater threat faces Mankind.